
Cultures of Australia and Oceania / Vojta Náprstek

나프르스텍 박물관 아시아, 아프리카 및 아메리카 문화 (Náprstkovo muzeum), Betlémské náměstí 1, Praha 1 - Staré Město

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Cultures of Australia and Oceania

Upon entering the exhibition, visitors will first see the objects they used most often – weapons (boomerangs, clubs and spears), digging sticks, baskets and plant-made bags. The other part of the exhibition documents material and spiritual culture in the Melanesian Islands, populated by farmers and fishermen. Included countries: New Guinea, New Caledonia, Salomon Islands and New Ireland. The next part features artefacts from Micronesia and Polynesia.

Vojta Náprstek

Exhibition introducing 12 panels from the life and work of the museum's founder, Prague art patron, promoter of educating women and societal progress. The individual sections focus on his family, studies, the revolutionary year of 1848, American emigration, the founding of a library after his return from the USA, the creation and activities of the American Ladies Club, the building of the museum of industry, contacts with Czechs and expats, relations with travellers and the development of the museum.

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Information source: Národní muzeum