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Tracing the footsteps of J. Mysliveček and W. A. Mozart: Bertramka

Originally a vineyard homestead from the end of the 17th century, it became world famous thanks to Mozart’s stay. In 1787 he was a guest of Mr and Mrs Dušek and completed the opera Don Giovanni just before its memorable Prague première on 29 October 1787. Mr and Mrs Dušek first met Mozart during their honeymoon in Salzburg in 1777. The young Amadeus immediately became yet another among the many admirers of their daughter Josefa’s singing and feminine charms. Their warm friendship grew steadily deeper during Mozart’s stays in Prague. Thanks to this relationship, the now famous aria Bella mia fiamma, addio was also written at Bertramka.

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The Bertramka in Smíchov got its name from former owners Františka and František of Bertram. After it had changed hands several times, in 1784 it became the property of Mr and Mrs Dušek – the pianist, teacher and composer František Xaver and his wife, the opera singer Josephine, who probably contributed to the Prague staging of Mozart’s operas The Abduction from the Seraglio and The Marriage of Figaro and the invitation of their author to Prague. 
Bertramka’s fame passed into obscurity until 1838, when the homestead was bought at auction by the great admirer of Mozart, Lambert Popelka. Thanks to him, Bertramka became known and associated with Mozart’s name once more.

Bertramka has been through various legal tussles and is administered by the Mozart Society, but the premises that Prague could be proud of as a reminder of Mozart’s stay are currently empty and inaccessible.


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  • Tracing the footsteps of J. Mysliveček and W. A. Mozart: Bertramka
  • Mozartova 169
  • Praha 5 – Smíchov

Information source: Prague City Tourism