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Emergency medical service for adults

The majority of Prague’s large hospitals have an emergency department. Emergency services focus on providing diagnostic and medical care for Czech and foreign citizens over the age of 18 with a sudden change in health status or a significant worsening of a long-term illness outside the usual hours of outpatient medical facilities.

Practical information

In the event of a life-threatening emergency, call the emergency medical services at 112 or 155.

Should a tourist or other foreigner without Czech public health insurance have a medical issue, they should go to the special foreigners’ department at the University Hospital at Motol.
The department will arrange a visit with a doctor, take care of all the administrative details regarding payment, and assist with language or other issues.

Fakultní nemocnice v Motole (University Hospital Motol)
V Úvalu 84, Prague 5, tel. +420 224 438 590
Mo - Fr 19:00 – 06:30; weekends and holidays nonstop
Health Care Services for Foreigners, tel. +420 224 433 681, +420 224 433 692

Ústřední vojenská nemocnice (The Military University Hospital)
U Vojenské nemocnice 1200, Prague 6, tel. +420 973 203 571
Mo - Fr 18:00 – 06:00; weekends and holidays nonstop
Assistance and Information center (non-stop) tel. +420 973 208 333

Thomayerova nemocnice (Thomayer Hospital)
Vídeňská 800, Prague 4, tel. +420 261 082 520, 603 566 584
Mo - Fr 19:00 – 06:30; weekends and holidays nonstop

Nemocnice na Bulovce (Na Bulovce Hospital)
Budínova 2, Prague 8, tel. +420 283 842 222,+420 266 083 301
Mo - Fr 19:00 – 06:00; weekends and holidays nonstop

Fakultní nemocnice Královské Vinohrady (Hospital Královské Vinohrady)
Šrobárova 50, Prague 10, tel. +420 267 163 778
Mo - Fr 18.30 – 23.00; weekends and holidays 8.00 - 20.00




Show practical information


  • Emergency medical service for adults
  • Praha

Information source: Prague City Tourism